Are you approaching age 65 or do you have a friend or family member that is about to turn 65? Are you still working and have not elected to take Medicare as of yet and not sure what to do?
I would like to answer a number of questions that typically arise when making the transition from private or group insurance to Medicare.
Who is eligible for Medicare A (Hospital) & B (Medical)?
Anyone who is age 65 or Older, Anyone who has certain disabilities, & Anyone with End Stage Renal Disease -
When does Medicare begin?
Your Medicare will begin on the first day of the month you turn 65 unless your birthday falls on the first of the month. In that case, your Medicare will begin on the first day of the prior month.
How does someone sign up for Medicare part A & B?
When someone is drawing their Social Security or Railroad Benefits at least 4 months prior to age 65, they will be automatically enrolled in Medicare part A & B. They will receive a Medicare card and information around 3 months prior to their 65th birthday.
If someone elects to wait to draw their Social Security or Railroad Benefits after age 65, but needs to enroll in Medicare at age 65 because they have no other coverage, self-employed, on a group plan with less than 20 employees, or just decide to come off their group plan. Then, they will need to initiate signing up for Medicare part B. The easiest way to enroll is go to www.ssa.gov.
If someone stays on their group plan past age 65 and waits to take Medicare until later. Then, there are 2 forms (application for Medicare part B) that will need to be completed to enroll in order to prove you had credible coverage from prior employer and so they know when your coverage is ending.
What are the cost of Medicare part A and part B?
There is typically no cost associated with part A. However, the cost of part B in 2020 is $144.60 per month for most people. The cost could be more depending on your modified adjusted income from 2 years prior. The different income levels are listed at www.medicare.gov.
Once someone becomes eligible for Medicare or has decided to enroll in Medicare. That is the time to weigh out what options are available and the cost associated with them. Please check back for future blogs that will explain what options are available to compliment what is not covered by Medicare!